
4 Ways To Respond To Conflict

In the previous post we worked hard to prevent conflict. But sometimes despite our best efforts conflict happens anyway. Obviously we can’t control what other people do or say, but we are in control of our words and actions. That said, let’s be clear: managing yourself in these types of situations can be extremely difficult. […]

4 Ways To Prevent Conflict

Wouldn’t it be great if there were a way to NEVER have conflict in your life? Unfortunately, unless you never, ever interact with another human being, that’s just not possible. One thing I can tell you for certain: if you put two or more people together in a room for long enough, conflict is not […]

How To Deal With Conflict At Christmas

It’s Christmas time and that means a lot of great things! Christmas carols, awesome food, time with friends and family and so much more – but for a lot of us it also has some negative connotations. Unfortunately, for many, it’s a season of conflict. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then […]

God’s Timing

If you had the choice for God to answer a prayer now that benefits you, or to answer it later benefiting you and potentially thousands of other people, which would you choose? What if waiting caused you great hardship? What if you had to wait a really long time, even years? God’s timing is always […]

How To Know God’s Plan

Over this last year I’ve had the privilege to be around a lot of younger people, and the one question they ask me over and over and over again is this: How do I know what God’s plan is for me? My answer often surprises them. The truth is that I rarely have a long […]

To Be Seen

A man went into a coffee shop, picked out a table and sat down. On the table he placed a sign that read, “If you will let me tell you my story I will buy you a cup of coffee.” He sat there all day and no one took him up on his offer. The […]

My Story

In the process of building this platform and thinking about it’s purpose, one big question I had was about how much to talk about my faith journey. I knew all along that it was foundational to this project, but wasn’t exactly sure how or where to position it. Then my wife – who is brilliant […]

Welcome to the NEW!

It’s been a long time coming, but this new platform is finally up and running! We are thrilled that you are here and we’re excited about the journey we’re about to take together! You can read this post, watch the video, or both – whatever makes you happy! For many of us, we are/can be […]